Clarion Mental Health Hospital [Leading Health Facility]

Mental illnesses can severely impact individuals and their loved ones, affecting daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. Access to quality mental health care is crucial for addressing these challenges. 

Clarion Psychiatric Center, is one of the leading facilities providing comprehensive mental health services for adults, adolescents, and children aged 10 and above.

For over 30 years, Clarion Psychiatric Center has been dedicated to treating a range of mental health issues, including depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, and other challenges.

In this article, we’ll delve into Clarion Mental Health Hospital’s services, exploring its various programs and treatments, as well as its approach to mental health care.

Whether you’re going through a tough time with your mental health or helping someone you care about, Clarion Psychiatric Center is here to provide excellent support and resources to help you through these challenges.

An Overview of Clarion Mental Health Hospital

Clarion hospital

Clarion Psychiatric Center, located in Clarion, Pennsylvania, is a 78-bed facility providing inpatient treatment programs for adults, adolescents, and children facing mental health issues.

Their focus is on creating personalized treatment plans in a safe environment.

The centre addresses various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, trauma, schizophrenia, and suicidal thoughts or actions.

They offer specialized programs for individuals dealing with both mental illness and intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Treatment prioritizes patient safety, respect, and helping individuals regain a functional life.

Services include inpatient hospitalization for crisis stabilization and partial hospitalization programs allowing patients to return home each night.

Psychiatric evaluations are conducted by board-certified psychiatrists to tailor treatment plans.

They incorporate recreational therapy and holistic approaches and provide no-cost, confidential assessments.

The centre also has an intensive care unit for adults requiring higher levels of support.

If you or someone you know is dealing with mental health challenges, Clarion Psychiatric Center could be a valuable resource to consider exploring.

Mental Health Services Provided by Clarion

1. Treatment for Children and Adolescents

For children and adolescents experiencing intense mental health challenges such as severe depression, family conflicts, trauma, or emotional outbursts, Clarion offers support to develop effective coping skills and boost self-esteem. 

Their goal is to assist these young individuals in returning to productive and fulfilling lives at home, in school, and within their communities.

1.1 Child and Adolescent Inpatient Programs

Clarion offers inpatient treatment specifically designed for children and teenagers who need short-term help to stabilize during crises. 

This program provides round-the-clock care and supervision in a safe environment until the patient feels better.

Patients aged 10 to 17 are cared for in a special unit separate from adults, with dedicated spaces for education, outdoor activities, and exercise to keep them engaged and healthy.

Family involvement is crucial, with opportunities for family therapy, education sessions for parents, and support groups.

In addition to regular talk therapy, Clarion uses expressive therapies like art, music, and recreation to help patients communicate, process emotions, and connect with others. 

They also have on-site education to ensure kids can keep up with schoolwork during their stay.

1.2 Partial Hospitalization for Children and Adolescents

Moreover, Clarion provides a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) that allows patients to receive treatment during the day and return home at night. 

This option is ideal for individuals who require additional support while still preferring the comfort of their own home. 

The PHP is tailored for children and adolescents aged 10 to 18, offering both educational and mental health support. 

During the school year, the program provides 6 hours of daily programming, which includes a balance of therapeutic group instruction and education. 

Psychiatric monitoring by a psychiatrist is an essential component of the treatment, and children and adolescents are cared for in a separate unit from adults.

2. Adult Mental Health Services

Clarion Psychiatric Center provides an inpatient hospitalization program specifically for adults aged 18 and above who require around-the-clock care and monitoring in a safe environment. 

This program is designed for individuals who would benefit from short-term crisis stabilization and consistent care.

Adults dealing with moderate to severe psychiatric and behavioural issues can receive treatment in modern therapeutic units. 

Upon admission, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to each patient’s specific needs and diagnosis. 

A psychiatrist oversees medication management to ensure symptom control and overall well-being.

Individual and group therapy sessions offer opportunities to address challenges, develop coping strategies, and work towards recovery goals. 

Treating the whole person is essential to the healing process, and therapeutic activities such as music, art, movement, and recreational activities can encourage emotional expression, relaxation, and social interaction.

Part of the recovery journey is feeling comfortable, and Clarion Psychiatric Center prioritizes patient choice, allowing individuals to select their meals while accommodating dietary needs.

Want to know more about mental health hospitals, check these out:

  1. Wagoner Mental Health Hospital Review
  2. Top 5 Mental Health Hospitals in Sacramento
  3. 5 Best Mental Health Hospitals in Louisiana

Behavioral Health Professionals of Clarion


1. Jeffrey Moll, M.D.

Jeffrey Moll, M.D., serves as the Medical Director and is Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry.

He obtained his medical degree from the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and has been practicing for over 20 years. 

Dr. Jeffrey M. Moll specializes in treating anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, and various other mental health conditions.

2. Dr. Michael Esang 

Dr. Michael Esang is a psychiatrist based in Clarion, Pennsylvania, and is linked with Clarion Psychiatric Center. 

He earned his medical degree from the University of Calabar Faculty of Medicine and has been practicing for between 11 and 20 years. 

His specialities include diagnosing and treating mental health conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and schizophrenia.

Partners of Clarion Mental Health Hospital

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, which brings together both public and private groups, has joined forces with Clarion Psychiatric Center. 

Together, they’re working to improve the country’s ability to prevent suicides and provide better care for those in need. 

This partnership is a significant move towards the Action Alliance’s aim of making healthcare systems better and reducing suicide rates.

It also demonstrates Clarion Psychiatric Center’s commitment to leading the charge in this important work.

As a staunch supporter of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, Clarion Psychiatric Center is dedicated to educating and offering resources to the communities it serves.


What not to say to someone with mental health?

Sometimes we want to fix things for our friends, but mental health isn’t always easy to cheer someone up about.
Saying things like “just get happy” or “snap out of it” can make them feel worse.
Instead, be a good listener and show you care. Ask them how you can help, even if it’s just being there for them.

What mental illness should be hospitalized?

Mental illnesses that need hospitalization are ones where the person or others could get hurt right away.
These include severe depression with thoughts of suicide, times when someone with schizophrenia can’t take care of themselves or might be dangerous, severe bipolar disorder with risky behavior during manic episodes, and eating disorders that cause serious physical problems or could lead to self-harm very soon.

Manuel Alejandro Patiño

Personal and professionally focused on integral wellness in mind, emotions, and body, as the main key to preventing toxic stress and chronic diseases. I try to be an example of what I teach, healing not just from the knowledge. I am also very adaptable to employeer’s requirements. I can understand and speak Spanish, English, and German very fluently.

More than 7 years of experience practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga and other meditation