8 Best Mental Health Apps for Employees

In today’s fast-paced work environment, prioritizing mental health has become increasingly important. 

As the boundaries between work and personal life blur, employees face mounting stressors that can take a toll on their well-being. 

Fortunately, with the rise of technology, there is a growing array of mental health apps designed specifically to support employees in managing their mental health effectively. 

From stress reduction to mindfulness practices, these apps offer convenient and accessible tools to promote mental wellness in the workplace.

They provide a convenient way to access support on demand from any location. 

They can help employees supplement or, in some cases, replace traditional therapy options. 

Employers too see benefits from promoting mental wellness apps, like increased productivity and reduced absenteeism from conditions left untreated.

Research shows that around $23,000 can be saved yearly if employees are helped with their mental wellbeing.

This article explores some effective mobile application tools available to support employee mental health.

The goal is to highlight how specific apps can help address issues commonly faced in the workplace while preserving user privacy and flexibility.

Best Mental Health Apps for Employees


Following are some of the best mental health apps for employees.

1. Calm for Business

Calm for Business offers employers and employees a comprehensive platform for mental wellness. 

With features like mindfulness exercises, meditation sessions, and sleep improvement techniques, users can enhance their overall well-being and reduce stress. 

Supported by evidence-based research, Calm is trusted by over 1,000 employer clients and has proven results, with users being three times less likely to take sick days. 

Calm offers various subscription plans tailored to different organizational needs, including team, enterprise, and self-insured plans. 

With over 150 million downloads and 2.5 million 5-star reviews globally, Calm provides engaging mental wellness exercises, masterclasses, and sleep stories, localized in seven languages. 

It’s a leading solution for promoting mental health and relaxation in the workplace, used in over 190 countries worldwide.

2. Headspace for Work

Headspace for Work offers a remarkable solution for workplace mental wellness, addressing issues like stress, sleep problems, and anxiety through tailored meditations and exercises. 

Designed to integrate seamlessly into the workday, these activities aim to establish healthy habits and enhance productivity by promoting mental well-being. 

The platform provides 24/7 access to unlimited mental health coaching, timely therapy, and psychiatry services, ensuring that individuals receive the support they need when they need it. 

They have a diverse library of content including guided meditations, mindfulness practices, focus music, workouts, and sleepcasts.

Leveraging over a decade of scientific research and 50+ peer-reviewed studies, the platform delivers evidence-based interventions.

With impressive outcomes, including a 32% reduction in stress after 30 days, and a commitment to diversity and accessibility, it is a valuable resource for organizations and employees worldwide.

3. Talkspace for Business

Talkspace for Business is revolutionizing workplace mental health with its comprehensive online platform, backed by over a decade of industry-leading research and proven results. 

Trusted by payers, employers, brokers, and members alike, it offers a range of self-guided programs and therapy services designed to enhance well-being both within and outside the workplace.

With a network of highly skilled therapists and psychiatric providers proficient in over 25 languages, Talkspace ensures accessibility and tailored support for diverse populations. 

Their approach allows providers to effectively manage diagnosis and treatment plans, addressing the unique needs of each individual. 

Studies conducted by Talkspace have demonstrated remarkable outcomes, with employees experiencing increased energy, engagement, and productivity after just 12 weeks of therapy. 

Additionally, employers benefit from reduced work hours missed by 50% and a 36% boost in overall productivity. 

Talkspace is not just transforming workplace mental health—it’s redefining the way organizations support the well-being of their employees.

4. Happify 

Happify is more than just an app – it’s a tool designed to enhance emotional well-being and build resilience. 

With its scientifically backed activities and games, Happify targets happiness, gratitude, resilience, and mindfulness. 

By integrating Happify into an EAP program, organizations can provide virtual mental health benefits such as online therapy and self-guided coaching.

The app empowers employees to develop positive habits and strengthen emotional resilience, ultimately leading to improved overall well-being. 

Its key features include a measurable happiness score, resources informed by psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy, and games and activities accessible on various devices.

5. Remente

Remente is a mental wellness platform tailored for both individuals and businesses, offering tools for personal empowerment and professional development. 

By providing actionable insights and guidance on common obstacles to well-being, Remente equips teams to thrive both at work and in their personal lives.

With real-time metrics on engagement levels, workplace well-being, and productivity, employers gain valuable insights into their team’s overall health. 

Through private well-being check-ins and company-wide surveys, Remente allows staff to assess their current state and set personalized goals for improvement.

The platform offers a range of tools, including daily guided self-care video sessions, goal-setting guides, mood journals, and various courses covering aspects of personal development. 

By leveraging these resources, employees can enhance their mindfulness, productivity, and overall wellness, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling work experience.

6. Hubstaff

Hubstaff offers a workforce management app designed to track work progress seamlessly and efficiently, utilized by over 95,000 businesses worldwide. 

By allowing employers to monitor employee check-ins and work activities without disruption, the app promotes greater awareness of time allocation and enhances overall focus and productivity.

With Hubstaff, employees can easily select and track their tasks, ensuring accurate time management and task completion. 

The app’s real-time tracking capabilities enable companies to gauge productivity levels and employee engagement, providing valuable insights into potential wellness issues or concerns within the workplace.

Additionally, Hubstaff empowers managers to set work hour limits and receive notifications when team members approach these limits, promoting healthier work habits and preventing burnout. 

By streamlining administrative tasks and optimizing workforce management, Hubstaff enables organizations to balance workloads, reduce stress, and enhance profitability effectively.

7. Insight Timer

Insight Timer offers a library of free guided meditations, including a dedicated “workplace” category with sessions tailored to workplace needs such as stress relief or meeting preparation, etc. 

With content available in 44 languages and more than 160,000 free tracks, Insight Timer stands out as a versatile tool for employees and teams alike.

The app’s advanced machine-learning models recommend personalized content to users each day, fostering continuous improvement in employee well-being and productivity. 

Additional features like mood tracking, gratitude journaling, and sleep aids further enhance the user experience and contribute to overall wellness.

Insight Timer’s impact on employee well-being is substantial, with data indicating significant reductions in stress levels and improvements in overall well-being reported by 90% of users. 

Through sustained usage, employees can unlock even greater benefits, with 94% reporting enhanced well-being after utilizing the app for 12 months or more, five or more days a week.

8. Modern Health

Modern Health provides a proactive approach to mental health and well-being, offering users a personalized journey towards emotional wellness. 

By completing a simple self-assessment and answering additional questions, users receive a personalized care plan tailored to their needs and goals.

The app connects users to a combination of digital programs, group learning sessions, and 1:1 coaching and therapy, providing comprehensive support for mental health improvement. 

With a Clinical Strategy and Research team boasting over 175 peer-reviewed publications and 150 years of collective experience, Modern Health ensures evidence-based approaches to mental wellness.

It’s no surprise that 8 out of 10 global employers prefer Modern Health over other telehealth apps, highlighting its effectiveness and reliability in promoting employee well-being.

What Advantages Does a Mental Health Platform Offer?

A mental health platform offers numerous advantages for individuals seeking support and assistance with their mental well-being. 

Firstly, it provides accessibility, allowing users to access resources and support whenever and wherever they need it, whether at home or on the go. 

Additionally, they offer a wide range of resources for specific mental health needs, including self-help articles, guided meditation sessions, mood tracking, and virtual therapy sessions. 

They also promote anonymity and privacy, creating a safe space for users to explore their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. 

Moreover, mental health platforms often incorporate evidence-based practices and professional guidance, ensuring users receive quality care and support. 

All in all, these platforms empower individuals to take control of their mental health and seek the assistance they need to thrive.

Factors to Consider when Selecting a Mental Health Platform

When selecting a mental health platform, there are several key factors to consider to ensure it meets your needs effectively.

1. Range of Services: Assess the platform’s offerings, including therapy options, self-help resources, and crisis support.

2. Access to Licensed Professionals: Ensure the platform provides access to qualified and licensed mental health professionals in case you are seeking therapy sessions.

3. Evidence-Based Treatments: Look for platforms that offer evidence-based treatments and therapies supported by research.

4. User Experience: Evaluate the platform’s user interface, ease of navigation, and availability of mobile apps for convenient access.

5. Privacy and Security: Verify the platform’s data protection measures and adherence to privacy regulations to safeguard sensitive information.

6. Cost: Consider the platform’s pricing structure, including subscription fees, session costs, and insurance coverage options.

7. User Reviews: Read reviews and ratings from other users to gauge the platform’s effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

8. Compatibility: Ensure the platform is compatible with your devices and operating systems for seamless usage.

Increasing Demand for Mental Health Apps

The mental health apps market has seen tremendous growth in recent years and is projected to continue its rise. 

According to research, estimates value the current 2024 market size at $7.09 billion and expect it to reach $15.42 billion by 2029, experiencing exponential expansion.

The COVID-19 pandemic played a major role in fueling this surge as people turned to digital tools to manage mental well-being during lockdowns.

With limitations on social interaction and increased feelings of isolation, people sought solace and support through mental health apps, driving an increase in their usage. 

Additional factors like improved lifestyles and rapid urbanization in developing regions have also contributed to higher adoption rates. 

With increasing internet connectivity and widespread smartphone usage, mental health apps have become more accessible to a larger audience, leading to a rise in their market value. 

However, According to the American Psychological Association (APA), despite their benefits, digital therapeutic apps come at a cost, ranging from $300 to $1,500 per year, often not covered by insurance.

As demand continues climbing, psychologists advocate for broader affordability through wider insurance coverage, to help maximize mental health apps’ benefits on a larger population scale.

Strategies to Support Employee & Workplace Wellness


Creating a workplace environment that prioritizes employee well-being is essential for fostering productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction. 

Here are some effective strategies to support employee and workplace wellness:

1. Mental Health Education: 

Begin by offering comprehensive mental health education programs that raise awareness about common mental health issues and provide information on seeking help. 

By reducing stigma and increasing understanding, employees are more likely to feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns.

2. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): 

EAPs offer a safe and supportive space for employees to address their mental health needs.

Implementing EAPs can be invaluable for providing employees with confidential counseling, referrals to mental health professionals and assistance with personal/work-related challenges. 

3. Flexible Work Arrangements: 

Recognize the importance of work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements where possible, such as remote work options, flexible scheduling, and generous time off policies. 

This flexibility allows employees to prioritize their mental health and manage their workload more effectively.

4. Wellness Initiatives: 

Promote holistic wellness through wellness initiatives that encompass physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

Consider organizing wellness programs, fitness classes, mindfulness sessions, and stress management workshops to help employees develop healthy habits and coping strategies.

5. Supportive Leadership: 

Train managers and supervisors to lead with empathy and compassion, creating a supportive work environment where employees feel valued and understood. 

Encourage open communication and provide resources for managers to support their team members’ mental health needs.

6. Peer Support Networks: 

Create a sense of community and belonging by facilitating peer support networks or employee resource groups focused on mental health. 

These networks provide opportunities for employees to connect, share experiences, and offer each other support and encouragement.

7. Accessible Resources:

Ensure employees have easy access to mental health resources, including helplines, hotlines, self-help materials, and online support communities. 

8. Regular Check-Ins: 

Make regular check-ins with employees a priority to assess their well-being, address any concerns they may be facing, and provide opportunities for feedback and communication. 

These check-ins demonstrate that their mental health is valued and supported by the organization.


1. How do you monitor employee mental health?

Employee mental health can be monitored through regular check-ins, anonymous surveys, and observation of behavioral changes or performance indicators.

2. In what ways can mental health apps enhance employee engagement and productivity?

Apps can enhance employee productivity by providing convenient access to resources for stress management, mindfulness, and emotional support, fostering a healthier work-life balance.

3. Do mental health apps have the capacity to replace professional therapy or counseling?

While mental health apps can complement professional therapy by providing self-help tools and support, they typically do not replace the expertise and personalized care offered by licensed therapists or counselors.

Manuel Alejandro Patiño

Personal and professionally focused on integral wellness in mind, emotions, and body, as the main key to preventing toxic stress and chronic diseases. I try to be an example of what I teach, healing not just from the knowledge. I am also very adaptable to employeer’s requirements. I can understand and speak Spanish, English, and German very fluently.

More than 7 years of experience practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga and other meditation